Celebration Blend 10ml


Celebration Blend 10ml


Create a celebratory and joyful atmosphere in any space with the uplifting aromas of orange, ylang ylang, palmarosa, aniseed, lemon myrtle and rose pure essential oils.

Celebration is a blend of orange, ylang ylang, mandarin, palmarosa, aniseed, lemon myrtle and rose pure essential oils that helps to create a spirit of joy.

Personal inhalation: This uplifting blend helps relieve feelings of sadness and lack of 'joie de vivre'. Stimulates communication and interaction with the world around us.

Room Diffusion: Uplifts the mood in the room. Helps create a 'party' atmosphere and a sunny disposition, encouraging conversation and mingling.

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How to use

Add 5-7 drops of Celebration Blend to your oil burner or add 5 drops to every 10ml of pure vegetable oil to use as a massage oil or add 5 drops to 10ml dispersing bath oil base for a bath.

May be used in a diffuser for room diffusion or inhaled straight out of the bottle for individual use in public spaces where communal diffusion may not be appropriate.

Room diffusion: Add 5 drops to your electric diffuser or oil burner.

On the go: Add 1 or 2 drops to a tissue and inhale directly from the tissue or inhale directly from the bottle as often as needed.

Not recommended for massage or bath.


100% pure essential oils of: citrus sinensis (sweet orange) oil, cananga odorata (ylang ylang) oil, citrus reticulata (mandarin) oil, cymbopogon martini (palmarosa) oil, pimpinella anisum (aniseed) oil, backhousia citriodora (lemon myrtle) oil, rosa damascena (rose) absolute.