Christmas Trading Hours

Fruit Fly Trap and Wick


Fruit Fly Trap and Wick

from A$10.35

A reusable Queensland Fruit Fly trap that lures the male fruit fly into the trap and an insecticide kills the male fruit fly. The wick attracts male fruit flies into the trap and then kills them, stopping the breeding cycle

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A reusable Queensland Fruit Fly trap that lures the male fruit fly into the trap and an insecticide kills the male fruit fly. The wick attracts male fruit flies into the trap and then kills them, stopping the breeding cycle

- Complete set up, Includes trap and wick.
- Easy to use.
- Monitors and controls male fruit flies (Queensland fruit fly).
- Included wick attracts male fruit flies into the trap and then kills them, stopping the breeding cycle.
- To be used in conjunction with spraying program.
- Contains full instructions and directions for setting up.
- Replace wick every three months for best results.


You can also buy the wick by itself. This product is designed for Searles Fruit Fly Trap.

The lures attract the male fruit fly into the trap and an insecticide kills the male fruit fly. The wick attracts male fruit flies into the trap and then kills them, stopping the breeding cycle
- Wick helps monitor and control male fruit flies (Queensland fruit fly).
- Males can be attracted from up to 500m away.
- Wick attracts male fruit flies into the trap and then kills them, stopping the breeding cycle.
- To be used in conjunction with spraying program.
- For best results replace wick every three months