Curry isn't just one herb, it is a complex seasoning that varies from region to region and even from family to family throughout Southeast Asia. If you thought you could buy a Curry plant, think again!
Read MoreCan you Grow your own Curry?

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77 Fernvale Rd
Brassall QLD 4305
(07) 3201 8630
Tue-Sun 9am - 4pm
Curry isn't just one herb, it is a complex seasoning that varies from region to region and even from family to family throughout Southeast Asia. If you thought you could buy a Curry plant, think again!
Read MoreForget all you know about Aloes. Now imagine a beautiful structural plant with colourful flowers that make birds sing, bees buzz and nature do a happy dance.
Read MoreBeautiful tree with glossy, deep green leaves, small white flowers, and reddish young growth. Only four or five weeks after flowering the round, purple-black edible fruits are ready to harvest.
Read MoreMITES may be invisible to the naked eye but the damage they can cause to plants and lawns isn't so unobvious.
Read MoreCyclamens are the perfect indoor or shade plant for the cooler months. They have a long continuous flowering period – usually from April until October.
Read MoreThe rose has long been a source of fascination and meaningfulness for cultures around the world. I have never claimed to know the secrets of growing roses in a climate where for about six months of the year we have what feels like 100% humidity but here are a few of my tips.
Read MoreWhat gardening terms do you use that people think you've made up, don't understand or have a little giggle at your expense?
Read MoreThe Dirty Dozen, a list of the fruits and vegetables likely to contain the highest amounts of pesticide residue. You can plant many of these at home.
Read MorePotassium Sulphate or Sulphate of Potash is commonly called Potash. It is an essential element necessary to the lives of all plants.
Read MoreWhat are your garden intentions for the year ahead? I think the first step to not having a garden full of unicorns is to be honest with ourselves.
Read MoreGreen manure crops are crops grown not to be harvested but instead to be incorporated into the soil before they reach maturity to contribute to the health of the soil.
Read MoreI’m not what you’d call a sportswoman. I’m a little uncoordinated. At school I was the child the sports’ teachers would shake their heads at when they saw me coming. I’m sure they were thinking there is no hope for this one. Apart from winning most improved player for about three years in a row for basketball, I don’t have that many awards from childhood.
I’m sure making up for it now.
The Queensland winner of the Heather Ramsey Young Leader Award goes to – Chelsea Allan”
Last Friday night (2013), I attended the Nursery and Garden Industry Queensland Award Ceremony. During the night I had one of those “this is your life moments”. The presenter started to read a story about a girl who seemed to have accidentally fallen into horticulture while looking for her dream job. 15 years on that girl discovers she is working her dream job.
As the presenter was reading this story I got thinking, this girl sounds a lot like me.
He then announced “The Queensland winner of the Heather Ramsey Young Leader Award goes to – Chelsea Allan”
It took a moment, hang on that’s me. Wow.
But what does this mean?
The Heather Ramsey Young Leader Award recognizes and rewards the outstanding achievements of individuals in the Australian nursery and garden industry, who display exceptional commitment and passion towards their business, the industry and industry leadership potential.
That’s me. I’m young (this is my last year of being young though), I’m committed to this industry (long days and sometimes longer nights) and gardening is my passion.
But it’s not just the physical aspect of gardening. It’s the sharing component I love. I love enabling others to enjoy gardening with my few simple tips. I love going to clubs and talking gardening. I love writing Trevallan’s gardening blogs that you can read on here and using Trevallan’s Facebook page to keep you updated and informed. I don’t get paid to write my gardening column that appear newspapers and magazines across Queensland, I do it because I want to share with you all this wondrous thing called gardening.
It was an amazing experience to be recognised and awarded this award by my industry peers. I couldn’t have won this award without you.
It is because of my customers, my family and my mentors that this award was possible.
The other day a gentleman came into Trevallan Lifestyle Centre to tell me he hated mowing. He read my lawn challenge article and thought I was crazy saying I loved to mow. He followed my simple steps and now he loves to mow. His granddaughter loves coming over and running barefoot on his lawn. He mows twice a week and loves sitting back to admire his handiwork.
It’s because of happy customers and family who are gardening enthusiasts that my passion has grown. It’s because of you I want to achieve more so I can give you more.
I am so proud to win this award. Thank you for helping me turn my passion turn into an award. I hope we can continue to share this passion for many years enabling us all to have amazing gardens.
If you've fertilised, watered well, even checked the pH level, what could possibly be wrong with your plants? Trace elements.
Read MoreI was lucky to have one of my secret dreams realised and to be able to share it with others.
Read MoreThe perfect plant is called Pieris Japonica 'Temple Bells'. This beautiful plant can be used as a feature plant in a pot or as a low hedge in a garden. It is versatile, easy to maintain and looks good all year whether it’s hot or frosty cold.
Read MoreYour local garden centre’s staff are the gardening experts – they should be able to listen to your needs and recommend the right product.
Read MoreHydrangeas are a beautiful old fashioned plant. These wonderful, hardy shrubs would certainly have to be included on the list of the best flowering plants in the world.
Read MoreAt the moment I am finding that aphids are having a feast in my garden. With the warm days many of my plants have tender, yummy, new shoots appearing, just what aphids love. There are many different species of Aphids; they are all small sap sucking insects that vary in colour from green to yellow and black.
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