Creating a water-wise garden involves choosing the right plants, caring for the soil, and watering effectively. Healthy soil is essential for proper hydration, and deep watering promotes robust plant roots.
Sweet Peas are a fragrant spring flowering annual, native to Italy. They have one of the most enchanting flowers, delicate and fragrant, perfect in garden or admired in a vase. Learn how to grow Sweet Peas in Ipswich.
Clivias have woven their magic around me – a love affair with vibrant clusters of trumpet flowers, ranging from sunny yellows to warm oranges and soothing salmon shades. Their blooms rise gracefully above deep green leaves, creating a symphony of colors that's hard to resist.
These adaptable plants thrive in shade and even embrace sunlight, making them perfect for borders and beneath tree canopies. From August to November, they join the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers in a breathtaking dance of colors.
Scaevolas are a hardy, low growing plant with lush green foliage all year long. They have striking fan-shaped flowers that cover the bush for most of the year. You can get them in a range of colours - blue, pink, white and yellow.
The true beauty of Brunfelsia latifolia is in its flowers. Sweetly perfumed, they appear from September to late November. When they first open they are a violet colour, fading to lavender blue and then white, with the three colours present on the bush at the same time. How extraordinary that a plant can be covered in three different coloured flowers at once!
I love the scent wafting in the air, just a hint of spring. I love getting up close and breathing deeply letting the fragrance fill me. I love how it captures me and makes me want more. Oh how glorious it would be to be surrounded by Jasmine polyanthums.
Spring Flowering Bulbs in South East Queensland seem like a waste of time, don’t despair though we can still plant some beautiful bulbs, corms, and tubers, we just need to change what we plant!
Kangaroo paws belong to the genus Anigozanthos, which are native to south western Western Australia. This area of Australia is dryer, slightly warmer and the soil is sandy...very sandy. A little different to Ipswich's climate and soil.
The rose has long been a source of fascination and meaningfulness for cultures around the world. I have never claimed to know the secrets of growing roses in a climate where for about six months of the year we have what feels like 100% humidity but here are a few of my tips.
Hydrangeas are a beautiful old fashioned plant. These wonderful, hardy shrubs would certainly have to be included on the list of the best flowering plants in the world.