Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

I’m noticing this plant in flower everywhere at the moment - Brunfelsia latifolia, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. It’s been a great season for them and I think all of them are stepping out of the shadows to scream ‘Look at me’.

I like to refer to this plant as a vintage plant as there is no such thing as old fashioned in gardening.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Hedge

This evergreen shrub grows slowly to around 2-4m tall and 2m wide. Most people tend to keep theirs at around the 1.5m mark. The foliage is dense and a smoky green colour. The new leaves can go purplish in cool weather.

The true beauty of Brunfelsia latifolia is in its flowers. Sweetly perfumed, they appear from September to late November. When they first open they are a violet colour, fading to lavender blue and then white, with the three colours present on the bush at the same time. How extraordinary that a plant can be covered in three different coloured flowers at once!

Brunfelsia latifolia enjoys full sun or partial shade. It enjoys a trim but does not need to be trimmed to look thick and lush.

I find all Brunfelsias can be hungry plants. I like to feed them with Organic Link four times a year and I give them liquid bio trace (mix of trace elements by Plant of Health) at least three times a year.

The great thing about this plant is, once established, it doesn’t seem to mind if it’s a little dry or a little wet; it likes the summer heat and can handle the winter chills. It’s not keen on heavy frosts, though.

I find they grow better in the ground but I have seen some nice ones in pots. I would just recommend feeding it more.

Years ago, a dwarf brunfelsia latifolia was released that only grows to around a metre. It is perfect for borders or small gardens. Be aware that this plant can be slower to flower.

The only downside to brunfelsia latifolia is that they are highly toxic to animals and humans if eaten, so if you have an animal, especially a goat or a friend that is a vegan that likes to eat the plants in your garden, please take precautions.

Indulge all of your senses by planting a brunfelsia latifolia this weekend!