Making Offices Green

Beautify the Inside

Over the years there has been a great deal of research into not only how being outdoors improves your life, but also how being surrounded by green living plants inside improves your life, health, brain functioning and even your bank balance.  (Check out Plant Life Balance website for more details)

Plants aren't a luxury they are a necessity, however, sometimes it’s challenging to keep indoor plants thriving especially in our offices.

Why? Well, more often than not we are faced with problems such as no natural light, air conditioning and an inability to regularly water to plants due to over-watering resulting in wet desks.

At Trevallan, we are trying to come up with ways to make indoor plants easy but still really pretty using a range of planters, terrariums, kokedamas and even plants in bowls.


When we grow plants indoors, we have to realise that sometimes it's about giving up on our perfect plant to have an amazing plant that looks good all the time. Some plants are better suited to indoors and sometimes a really ‘boring’ plant can be made to look amazing in the right container!


Some of the Ways Trevallan is Bringing Plant Life Balance to your Workplace!


I have found that using planters (pots without holes) has been my saving grace.

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I used to under water and ultimately kill my indoor plants as I was worried about water going all over my furniture.

Planters have no hole in the bottom. I just place my plant in the planter (I do not pot). I then can give my plant a really good drink, without the hassle of worrying about water going everywhere.

If by chance I decide I don't like that plant, or want to swap my plants around, I simply remove the plant from the planter. This way I am always keeping my décor the same (by keeping the same planter), but can switch my plants around and create an entirely new look.

It can take a while to get used to watering with a planter, but before you know it, you’ll wonder how you ever survived without them.



I love the meaning of Terrarium - a sealed transparent globe or similar container in which plants are grown! You cant get any more exact than that.

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What a lovely idea to have a mini landscape sitting on our desks that only requires a small drink once every few months, in a closed terrarium or every few weeks, in an open terrarium.

I love staring at terrariums and seeing the mosses grow and the plants changing. The maintenance is minimal, but therapeutic, as its a delicate process.

Open Terrariums or Plants in Bowls are great too, if you want your plants to grow out of your jar. In an Open Terrarium, the plants are planted in glass jars or a decorative bowl. Instead of the plant being inside the container, as they would in a terrarium, they actually come up out of the container.  Even better, there is no need to worry about water leaking everywhere as the containers are sealed. Water them as you would a terrarium (at least once a week). When planting an Open Terrarium, follow the same guidelines as when planting a Closed Terrarium, just be sure to pack out the bowl with sphagnum moss.



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Kokedama is a style of Japanese bonsai. It is made by binding the plants root ball with a unique soil mixture, sphagnum moss and string.

Kokedamas are usually seen hanging from ceilings, or specially made stands. Personally, I like to put them in a bowl as this way I can just fill the bowl with some water and the plant can slowly soak up the moisture as it needs. I have tried numerous indoor plants with Kokedamas and they all work really well. Furthermore, these plants can be a real talking point in your office.


Crystal Planters

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The beauty and power of crystals has been long recognised with healers, shamans and priests using crystals for their unique and special properties. It is widely believed crystals vibrate at the same pitch as humans - such that the resonance between the stone and the human either combats the vibration of the illness or amplifies that of health!

There are thousands of different crystals on the planet.

Many crystals would be useful in the office, especially ones that amplify harmony, resolve conflict or even attract sales! Some people may think you are a little kooky if you start having crystal grids on your desk, so Trevallan has come up with an idea to have these crystals in your workspace, without others even realising.

Planted Crystals

Very cleverly, we have planted plants into crystals that we think would be most beneficial to have in your office. All you need to do is keep the moss wet and you should start to notice the difference straight away!

You could also place some of your crystals on top of your plants soil. This keeps them earthed and cleansed, not to mention that it also looks really pretty! For some ideas on what crystals are best for your office click here


Want to improve your plant life balance or maybe someone else's? The Trevallan ladies are here to help. Not only can we can help you decide on the right plant, but we also provide a local delivery service straight to your office on Fridays.