Ridding your Home or Office of Bad Vibes

Smudging is the common name given to the indigenous American tradition known as 'The Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing'

Smudging is the common name given to the indigenous American tradition known as 'The Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing'

Smudging is a common way to rid our homes of that yucky or bad feeling. It's also a great thing to do if you just move into a home or if everyone has been feeling off kilter.

Smudging is the common name given to the indigenous American tradition known as the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing.

It is believed to be a powerful spiritual cleansing technique which uses the smoke of various sacred plants to drive away negative energy and to restore balance to an individual, a group, a space, or all three.

Smudging has only come into the general Western consciousness in the past few decades, so it may seem strange and "new age-y" to some.

However, smudging is a traditional that goes back thousands of years.

Be gone, Bad Vibes with smudging

Be gone, Bad Vibes with smudging

Smudging allows you to wash away all the emotional and spiritual negativity that gathers in your body and your space over time. It's a little bit like taking a spiritual shower!

The effects of smudging can be very effective, often banishing stress almost instantly and providing energy and peace. Originally, herbs and resins were placed in a special bowl and burned, or were burned over the smouldering coals of a fire.

Now days we have ‘Smudge Sticks’ and Smudge Incense.

Trevallan’s stocks smudge sticks, these are composed of bundles of dried sage tied together and Smudge Incense, white sage and Palo Santo. The incense provides a great alternative to those who might be allergic to or don’t like the scent of the traditional sage stick.

The smoke of Sage and Palo Santo are believed to drive away negative energies and influences. After you have Smudged your house with White Sage or Palo Santo it is advised to burn some dried sweet grass or your favourite essential oil or incense. These attract positive energy to the space from which the negative energy was banished. Trevallan stocks fresh sweetgrass in our herb section and Perfect Potion's Essential oil blends.


How to Smudge

  1. I always like to open all doors and windows

  2. Light one end of your smudge stick or incense stick, allowing it to catch fire and burn for several seconds. Once the flame extinguishes gently blow on the lit end to fan the embers; it will begin to glow and smoke.

  3. Have a heat proof dish, to catch the ashes as it burns. We should always respect the power of fire when using it in ritual.

  4. As the smoke rises into the air, picture your intention, whatever it may be. If you are clearing negative energy, picture its density and see it lifting away. Healing? Then imagine the smoke cleansing any illness or injury. Whatever it is – envision it floating away on the smoke. You can pray or chant if you feel so called.

  5. Use your hands to guide the smoke over yourself and around your sacred space.

  6. Upon completion of smudging your space, douse the burning embers and Thank the universe.

Different ways you can Smudge

Different ways you can Smudge

The beauty of smudging is that it can be done at any time, as often as you need, no matter your background or culture.

If by chance the idea of 'Smoke Cleansing' does not feel right. Trevallan stocks a range of other products that you can use to cleanse your space and yourself! Click here for more information.

If you've been feeling off kilter or maybe things just keep going wrong at home why not give cleansing a try. At the very worst you house will smell nice after you complete the ceremony!