Melissa is the Greek word for "honey-bee." It was traditionally used by the ancient bee keepers. They used to rub the crushed leaves on the beehives to encourage the domesticated bees to return to their hives. They also believed that the lemon balm would also bring new bees to the hive.
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Why attracting some insects to your garden is beneficial for the whole garden's success.
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Phyllanthus cuscutiflorus is a glorious native with the softest most delicate foliage and dainty flowers.
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WHAT? Coriander actually has a purpose?
Coriander actually has two purposes, making your tastebuds zing, I’m team coriander and attracting beneficial insects to our garden.
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Store bought honey is usually a combination of honeys from all different suppliers from all different regions, therefore all different flowers were used in the making of the money. Plus, the honey is also put through a refining process which some believe changes the structure of the honey.
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Bees pollinate over a third of the food we eat. Unfortunately, bee populations all over the world are declining which in turn is affecting the availability of our food.
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