Christmas Trading Hours

indoor plant



I was recently asked what’s the secret to growing Calathea, temperamental beauties! Growing Calatheas inside has been a lot of trial and error for me and I have found some do really well and others not so good.

First and foremost you need to remember these plants are native to Tropical Americas. So if your house isn’t a hot humid beach in the Caribbean you are always going to have some issues

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Dracaena trifasciata

Dracaena trifasciata

Dracaena trifasciata is one of my most recommended indoor plants.

It seems to survive the most unsuitable growing conditions, abuse and neglect. Basically, you have to work really hard to kill these Dracaenas. (I must be honest here and mention I have killed one, but it was purely from too much accidental love!)

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