Avoiding Colds and Flu naturally

Avoiding Colds and Flu naturally

Staying physically healthy, eating nutrient dense foods and making sure our vitamin levels are correct is the first line of dense. Our airways will be our second line of defence to airborne viruses' that can cause colds and the flu.

Perfect Potion’s Breathe Easy Range, Aroma Defence Blend, Breathing Space Room Spray and Healthy Hands will be the tools we need for this second line of defence.

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My Dirty Little Secret

My Dirty Little Secret

I love the scent wafting in the air, just a hint of spring. I love getting up close and breathing deeply letting the fragrance fill me. I love how it captures me and makes me want more. Oh how glorious it would be to be surrounded by Jasmine polyanthums.

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Ridding your Home or Office of Bad Vibes

Ridding your Home or Office of Bad Vibes

Smudging is a common way to rid our homes of that yucky or bad feeling. It is believed to be a powerful spiritual cleansing technique which uses the smoke of various sacred plants to drive away negative energy and to restore balance to an individual, a group, a space, or all three. Here’s how Trevallan does it …

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Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

Due to urbanisation, media and technology our biophilia, close relationship with nature has been weakened. It is believed the disconnection with nature is one reason why we have so many mental health issues.

Sal from Perfect Potion believes the renewed interest we have for aromatherapy is based on our desire to reconnect with nature.

Learn how here….

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