It’s amazing what some time outside can do for the soul. I know I am looking forward to quality gardening time this autumn!
Read MoreGardening Advice, who you ask is Important!
Want correct and helpful advice on gardening - visit your local garden centre. The best place to get correct information is a place that specialises in that particular subject.
Read MoreGrow your own Tea
We can easily grow Camellia sinensis in Ipswich. We just have to understand they will grow a lot slower than they do in their natural habitat. We may only get one yield a year out of our Camellia sinensis.
Read MoreTranquil Tea
Tranquil Tea, another local business, has released her own tea blend and she named it in honour of her now home, The Ipswich Breakfast Blend.
Read MoreGrow your own Coffee
Have you grown and made your own coffee? Ultimately these babies can produce beautifully scented white flowers, fruit that can be eaten raw and then the ultimate seeds that make the coffee.
Read MoreWay to my Heart
Valentine's Day is a great day to remind ourselves how awesome and special our loved ones are. Sure many of us think it's a little over commercialized but honestly who wouldn't get a little tingle up their spine when their loved one arrived home with a flowering plant and champagne!
Read MoreFinger Lime
Finger Limes - Little balls of goodness on your tongue and a sweet Lime explosion happens in your mouth, giving a unique flavour sensation.
Read MoreGoing Bananas
Bananas, we can finally grow them in our backyards, legally. Which variety is best for us and how do we grow them successfully?
Read MoreMy Dirty Little Secret
I love the scent wafting in the air, just a hint of spring. I love getting up close and breathing deeply letting the fragrance fill me. I love how it captures me and makes me want more. Oh how glorious it would be to be surrounded by Jasmine polyanthums.
Read MoreMy Favourite Scentous Month
I find the best way to give my life some TLC especially during one of the coldest months of the year is to have a Rogiera amoena.
Read MoreRidding your Home or Office of Bad Vibes
Smudging is a common way to rid our homes of that yucky or bad feeling. It is believed to be a powerful spiritual cleansing technique which uses the smoke of various sacred plants to drive away negative energy and to restore balance to an individual, a group, a space, or all three. Here’s how Trevallan does it …
Read MoreForest Bathing
Due to urbanisation, media and technology our biophilia, close relationship with nature has been weakened. It is believed the disconnection with nature is one reason why we have so many mental health issues.
Sal from Perfect Potion believes the renewed interest we have for aromatherapy is based on our desire to reconnect with nature.
Learn how here….
Read MoreMoringa Tree
Moringa oleifera originates from northern India and the leaves, flowers, pods and roots are edible. It is being claimed that this is The Miracle Superfood tree.
Read MoreWater Saving Tips for Gardeners
Gardeners are not water criminals. Gardeners and Gardens are necessary as we need trees and gardens to help sustain a healthy urban environment.
Read MoreFruit Fly
Two words that can strike fear into any fruit tree or vegetable grower – FRUIT FLY! How to deal with it Organically
Read MoreFertilising at Trevallan
Trevallan follows best organic input in our fertilising practices and the other products we use to keep our plants healthy.
Read MoreHow do I put on My Oxygen Mask?
When a plane is in emergency mode, oxygen masks drop from the ceiling and you are told you must put yours on first. Why? Because you can’t save others if you, yourself cant breathe.
I understand its hard to put yourself first. The thing is most of us are all in a position where someone is relying on us to help them with their oxygen mask. Don’t wait until you are struggling to breathe to put your oxygen mask on. Let Trevallan Help you find your Oxygen Mask….
Read MoreThe Spittlebug
There are many different insects in our garden …. Spittlebugs are just one.
Read MoreZygo Cactus
Sometimes botanical names just make me feel like my tongue is permanently tied and afterwards I just want to have a giggle at how ridiculous I sound.
Saying Schlumbergera is one of those times.
I'm sure most of you know Schlumbergeras as they are commonly called Zygocactus (which was their former botanical name), Christmas Cactus, Holiday Cactus and Easter Cactus.
It's funny how northern hemisphere common names are still used here in the southern hemisphere. I quite often get people asking for Christmas Cactus around April, May as Schlumbergeras flower in the cooler months. The northern hemisphere have Christmas in the cooler months hence Christmas Cactus. In the Southern hemisphere we refer to these plants as Easter Cactus as they are usually flowering around our Easter.
Schlumbergeras were named after Frédéric Schlumberger, a French collector of cacti. When we think of cacti we oftemn imagine a cacti in the desert, these plants are not desert plants.
Schlumbergeras are epiphytes - plants which depend on others for support, but not nutrition - from the jungles of southeast Brazil, a humid area with high rainfall. These plants have flattened spineless, pendulous branches with prominent notches at the margins.
The flowers are asymmetrical in shape and appear at the stem tips. Their flowers are described as inflorescence. Inflorescence refers to a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. The flowers were originally shades of pink but thanks to breeding programs all over the world, the flower colours now range from pink, lavenders and reds through to oranges, yellows and whites.
Like all epiphytes, Schlumbergeras need excellent drainage and do not grow well in heavy garden soil or potting mix. Some people like to use orchid mix; some cacti mix. I like using an excellent quality potting mix like Searles Platinum Mix and just not watering them as much. If planting in the ground, I do add a bit of orchid mix to the soil when planting.
I fertilise them about three times a year with Organic Link slow release fertiliser and use Triple Boost liquid fertiliser about once a fortnight when they are in flower.
While Schlumbergeras can grow in the sun, I think they look superb in the shade. There is a school of thought that believes Schlumbergeras flower in response to shortening day length and that they are so sensitive that their normal flowering can be upset if they are grown in an area which is lit up at night, for example on a balcony near a street lamp or outside light. I'm not sure I completely believe this as I'm assuming the Brazilian rainforest wouldn't be exceptionally bright at the best of times. Other schools of thought believe the flowers are triggered to bloom near the beginning of the rainy season while others bloom near the end of the heavy rain. I think it could be a little of both.
Since we can't replicate Mother Nature, I usually fertilise, water and make sure my night light is turned off and hope for the best!
Making Offices Green
Plants aren't a luxury they are a necessity outside and in. Being surrounded by green living plants inside improves your life, health, brain functioning and even your bank balance.
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